About the Commission
- Strategic plan (August 2024)
- Annual Report 2023-2024
- Organisation structure
- Code of ethics and conduct
Our purpose
Managing our natural resources well benefits all of NSW and ensures healthy and robust communities, environments and industries now and into the future. Managing finite resources is challenging, with complex and ever-evolving issues.
We are an independent body and provide robust, evidence-based advice to help the NSW Government address these issues using the latest science, research and best practice.
Our strategic priorities
To achieve the above purpose, we have the following strategic priorities:
- independent advice on complex issues
- improved evidence base for decisions on forest management
- oversight of water planning and implementation
- audit and other evaluations
- corporate services and management excellence.
How we work
To provide independent, evidence-based advice in a contested environment, we use a comprehensive process that includes:
- engaging in transparent collaborative approaches, consulting widely with all stakeholders using a no-surprises approach
- accessing the best-available knowledge, including the use of expert panels
- retaining the highest quality people
- encouraging continuous improvement and thought leadership.
What we do
We have specific legislative functions relating to improving management of water, soil, native vegetation and biodiversity including:
- advising on strategic or investment priorities
- undertaking audits and reviews
- advising on program design
- undertaking significant inquiries and assessments, for instance, into forestry or emergency management
- reviewing the triple bottom line outcomes achieved by water sharing plans
- auditing implementation of water management plans
- assisting in the reconciliation of particularly complex issues
- conducting audits of Local Land Services’ state and local strategic plans
- recommending state-wide standards and targets
- advising on priorities for research and arranging for information to be gathered and disseminated.
Our people and leadership structure
We are a part of the Premier's portfolio of affilliated agencies. The Commission meets as required, which is typically once a month.
The Commissioner is responsible for making decisions related to governing the Commission and providing advice to the NSW Government. The Commissioner is appointed by the Governor of NSW for up to five years and is responsible to the Premier of NSW for exercising functions under the Natural Resources Commission Act 2003.
Assistant Commissioners are appointed to support the Commissioner.
The Executive Director is responsible for the day-to-day leadership of the Commission programs, administration and financial affairs.
Assistant Commissioner:
Assistant Commissioner:
Executive Director:
Customer service charter
Our promise
We aim to offer a professional and helpful service to our customers and stakeholders. We will work to understand and respond to their needs, and provide opportunities for engagement. We will continually improve our service by welcoming suggestions and seeking feedback.
Our customer service goals
We are committed to providing easy to access services and information to all our customers and stakeholders. We will:
- be accessible
- communicate clearly
- be accurate and consistent
- be responsive, completing actions in a timely manner
- be fair and impartial
- be professional and respectful
- be open and transparent
- listen and act on your feedback.
We value your feedback
We aim to continually improve the quality of services we provide and appreciate any feedback. Your feedback helps us to understand what is important to you and helps us to meet your needs. We will ensure that you can contact us in a way that suits you and aim to clearly explain our decisions and actions. You are most welcome to contact us to provide compliments, complaints or feedback.
How to contact us
Phone: (02) 9228 4844
Email: nrc@nrc.nsw.gov.au
Online form: See our Contact Us page.