Coastal IFOA monitoring program
The monitoring program
We are independently overseeing a monitoring program with the NSW Forest Monitoring Steering Committee to ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (Coastal IFOA) in achieving its objectives and outcomes.
The Environment Protection Authority and the Department of Primary Industries jointly approved the Coastal IFOA Monitoring Program in March 2020.
- Coastal IFOA - Approved Monitoring Program 2019-2024 (March 2020)
- Coastal IFOA - Annual progress report (August 2023)
Program funding
In 2019, the Environment Protection Authority provided $2 million up to the 2023 financial year for the initial program design and implementation. At the same time, over $7 million in funding was provided by the (then) Department of Industry for cross-tenure monitoring that also supported the Coastal IFOA monitoring program, for example establishing environmental baselines across tenures including state forests. This cross-tenure funding ceased in the 2022 financial year.
Under the NSW 2023 budget, the NSW Government committed up to $1 million per annum over 20 years for the Coastal IFOA monitoring program, starting in the 2024 financial year. The Environment Protection Authority has also provided an additional $274,000 for the program in the 2024 financial year.
Consistent with the Coastal IFOA approved monitoring program, we will work with the steering committee to report detailed program findings in 2024 and recommend any improvements to the Coastal IFOA and/or forestry management. Following this, the steering committee will review and, if required update the program.
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