South-western cypress state forests


Advice provided

Advice date:

May 2010


South-western cypress state forests

In 2009, through a Terms of Reference, the NSW Government asked us to assess south-western cypress state forests in NSW.

Our assessment report provided information on how the cypress state forests should be managed into the future. The assessment report is supported by a map book that provides a map and profile of each forest including a set of potential corridor maps.

In response to our recommendations, the Government put in place an Integrated Forestry Operations Approval for South-Western Cypress Region (commenced on 1 July 2011) under the National Park Estate (South-Western Cypress Reservations) Act 2010.

As part of the assessment, we released a summary report of available information and called for submissions. The Commission received 75 submissions during the preparation of its assessment report.

Boundary adjustment to south-western cypress state reserves

The National Park Estate (South-Western Cypress Reservations) Act 2010 includes provisions to adjust reserve boundaries, if necessary. In 2012, the Minister for the Environment sought our advice on adjustments to boundaries of the cypress reserves. Based on our advice, the NSW Government has since approved a scientifically monitored grazing trial in some cypress reserves.

Key documents