Local Land Services strategic plan implementation audits

Advice provided
Advice date:
November 2019
In 2016, each Local Land Services region developed its local strategic plan. These plans were approved by the then Minister for Primary Industries, as required by the Local Land Services Act 2013. The Act requires that each plan is audited within three years of its approval.
In November 2019, we completed three-year audits of Local Land Services' local strategic plans, and found that:
- regions were delivering in line with their local strategic plans, although the assessment of local strategic plan outcomes was very limited at that time
- all regions had progressed most deliverables under their plans
- outcomes were being delivered despite funding constraints, with particular funding pressures in the areas of natural resource management, biosecurity and travelling stock reserves
- limited funding impacted the extent of achievement of local strategic plan outcomes and was likely to impact achievement of outcomes into the future.
We also identified opportunities to improve the systems supporting the implementation of plans.
Individual audit reports were provided for each region. In addition, we provided a report summarising the findings of individual audits and highlighting broader issues that may impact regions' ability to deliver local strategic plans.
Key documents
- Summary audit report - Local Land Service response (December 2019)
- Summary audit report - All 11 Local Land Services regions (November 2019)
- Audit report - Central Tablelands (November 2019)
- Audit report - Central West (November 2019)
- Audit report - Greater Sydney (November 2019)
- Audit report - Hunter (November 2019)
- Audit report - Murray (November 2019)
- Audit report - North Coast (November 2019)
- Audit report - North West (November 2019)
- Audit report - Northern Tablelands (November 2019)
- Audit report - Riverina (November 2019)
- Audit report - South East (November 2019)
- Audit report - Western (November 2019)