Performance Standard for Local Land Services

Advice provided
Advice date:
February 2015
"State priorities for Local Land Services", as defined in the Local Land Services Act 2013, include state-wide standards and targets, and any state and national priorities for agricultural production, biosecurity, natural resource management and emergency management.
In October 2013, the Minister for Primary Industries requested that we develop a new performance standard that is tailored to the Local Land Services framework, incorporating state priorities as well as community engagement, customer service, capacity building and governance.
In September 2014, we released a draft standard for consultation with Local Land Services, relevant government agencies and key stakeholders.
In November 2014, we provided the Performance Standard for Local Land Services (the Standard) to the Minister. The Standard was ratified by the Local Land Services Board of Chairs before it was submitted to the Minister.
The Standard comprises eight interdependent components - Governance, Leadership, Community Ownership, Customer Satisfaction, Understanding Scale, Collaboration, Risk Management, and Evidence-based Decisions. These components, when applied successfully and together, will inform business decisions and activities. Each component specifies “Required Outcomes” which describe the mandatory requirements of the Standard.
The Standard provides assurance to investors, ratepayers and other stakeholders that Local Land Services' investment of funds will deliver practical landscape management outcomes that reflect regional priorities and provide a triple bottom line return on investment.
In February 2015, the Minister for Primary Industries approved the Performance Standard for Local Land Services.
In March 2015, we developed a guide to using the Standard.
Although this Standard was created specifically for Local Land Services, other organisations providing services to land managers and local communities will also benefit from using this. Our audits of Local Land Services review performance against the Standard.
Key documents
- Guide to using the Standard (March 2015)
- Performance Standard for Local Land Services (February 2015
- Request from Minister (October 2013)